English Version – Dimore Esclusive Management & Turismo operates in the management of Accommodation and Catering Facilities. We have built the first central body of a widespread resort in Cagliari and we are completing others throughout Sardinia to complete a network of services that is unique of its kind on the island.
Dimore Esclusive Management & Turismo works and constantly thinks about the needs of the customer and the exclusivity of the services offered, the places chosen are confirmation of this.
Who turns to us is the tourist / vacationer who wants to escape from mass “anonymous” tourism and decides to live real “Experiences” by discovering the true identity of the territory, the culture, the food and the places that only the people of place is able to make known.
Dimore Esclusive Management & Turismo works and constantly thinks about the needs of the customer and the exclusivity of the services offered, the places chosen are confirmation of this.
Who turns to us is the tourist / vacationer who wants to escape from mass “anonymous” tourism and decides to live real “Experiences” by discovering the true identity of the territory, the culture, the food and the places that only the people of place is able to make known.
Versione Italiana – Dimore Esclusive Management & Turismo opera nella gestione di Strutture Ricettive e Ristorazione. Abbiamo realizzato il primo corpo centrale di un resort diffuso in Cagliari ed altri ne stiamo ultimando in tutta la Sardegna per completare una rete di servizi unica nel suo genere nell?isola.
Dimore Esclusive Management & Turismo lavora e pensa costantemente alle esigenze del cliente e, l?esclusivit? dei servizi proposti e dei luoghi scelti, ne sono la conferma.
Chi si rivolge a noi ? il turista/vacanziere che vuole fuggire dal turismo ?anonimo? di massa e decide di vivere delle vere e proprie ?Experience? scoprendo la vera identit? del territorio, la cultura, il cibo e i luoghi che solo la gente del posto ? in grado di far conoscere.